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How is wet dog food better than dry food?

A good wet dog food is a complete, well-balanced and tasty meal for your four-legged friend. It is an excellent food for picky dogs - its tasty aroma and pleasant texture will convince even the largest French dog. If you decide to give your dog wet food, remember to regularly check your pet's oral hygiene. Wet dog food has a very soft structure and will not assist in cleaning the teeth mechanically like dry food. Wet food for a dog is not as economical as dry food - to provide your dog with the right amount of energy during the day, you need to give your pet more wet food. If your dog is not used to eating large amounts of food, divide the daily amount of food into several smaller portions and provide food more often. Wet dog food works perfectly as food for dogs with smaller jaws and teeth - both in dogs of smaller breeds, as well as in seniors, who may develop dental problems with age.

How to choose the right wet dog food?

When choosing a food for your pet, follow a few simple rules. Your dog's wet food must be appropriate for the age of your pet as well as its size. Equally important is your pet's activity level - for less active dogs, choose a low-fat wet food. Your dog's individual preferences are also extremely important. Your four-legged friend has his favourite flavours, so choose a diet based on his protein source that tastes best for your pet. Wet dog food comes in several different textures - at Husse you will find it in the form of smooth pâtés and tasty meaty pieces in a delicious gravy. You can easily find food in which your pet will enjoy it.

How to serve and store it?

Dog wet food is not as easy and convenient to store as dry food. Even the best wet dog food spoils much faster when opened than dry dog food. Remember to keep an opened package of wet dog food refrigerated and use it within a maximum of two days after opening. Be sure to pay attention to how much food is in the dog's bowl. Your dog's wet food shouldn't stay in the dog's bowl for more than 30 minutes, especially on warmer days. At room temperature, your dog's wet food starts to emit an unpleasant odour quite quickly that may discourage your pet. Don't forget to wash your dog's bowl after each meal - food leftovers on the bottom will spoil and affect the flavour of subsequent meals.

How do you get your dog used to eating wet food?

If your dog has mostly eaten dry food so far, he may be sceptical about the new type of meal. Wet dog food is a new experience that your dog needs to get used to gradually. It's a different smell, a different texture and your pet needs a moment to convince himself to a new food. Therefore, remember never to change your dog's diet suddenly. Any changes to your dog's diet should be gradual, giving your pet a chance to get used to what's new in his daily routine. Making changes to your diet gradually is extremely important to your dog's health and well-being. Your pet's digestive system has time to adjust to the new food composition to avoid any digestive problems. Sudden changes in a dog's diet can lead to digestive problems, cause vomiting, diarrhoea or constipation.

A tasty and healthy meal for your dog

The Husse wet dog food is made only from the highest quality ingredients. Wet dog food is highly palatable with meaty chunks and pâtés without any artificial colourants or flavours. Thanks to the use of only the best quality ingredients, wet food will appeal to even the most demanding pets. Husse wet food is characterised by high protein content, adequate vitamin levels and good digestibility, which makes them the perfect meal for your pet. The Husse wet food offer includes formulas designed to meet the specific needs of puppies, adult dogs and senior dogs. Remember that each dog has different needs and preferences, so choose a food appropriate to your pet's lifestyle. Are you introducing a new food to your dog's diet? Do this gradually and mix the new food with the old one - this way, your dog's digestive system will have time to adjust to the new diet and avoid any digestive problems.

Swedish quality for your pets

Since 1987 Husse offers free home delivery of quality products for dogs and cats throughout Europe.
Husse products are available in over 50 countries across the globe.
Over 1000 franchisees advising and providing products to your door.

Husse happy pets!



Cooper is a bichon maltese frise dog. He is 8 years old now. We've tried lots of dried food before, but he didn't seem to enjoy it until we discover the Husse Ocean Care mini. He is so happy now with his meal.


My name is Rusty, a golden retriever dog, I'm 7 years old. I love to play a lot, especially with small balls. Overall, I'm a hyperactive dog. I enjoy eating the Pro Prima.

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Husse - Swedish food for dogs, cats and horses

Husse is a Swedish producer of food for dogs, cats and horses with over 30 years of experience on the market. Husse's main goal is to promote a healthy lifestyle for animals. All Husse feeds, treats and supplements are made only from the highest quality, carefully selected ingredients. All products are manufactured according to traditional Scandinavian recipes, and the production lines are under constant veterinary control. Apart from the quality of Husse products, it also means the quality of the service. Husse distributors are thoroughly trained in animal nutrition and will be happy to help you choose the right diet for your dog, cat or horse. Husse products are not available in a traditional sales network - we deliver them straight from the factory to the customer, so we can offer the highest quality products at competitive prices. Husse food can always be ordered with door-to-door delivery. 

Everything you need for your pet in one place

In Husse's offer you will find everything your pet may need. Our dry food for dogs and cats is a great foundation of their diet - dry food is properly balanced diets tailored to the needs of dogs and cats of various sizes and at various stages of life, i.e. puppies and kittens, adult and senior dogs and cats. Do you have a dog or cat with special nutritional needs? We took care of the special needs of animals with a sensitive digestive system and food allergies, after sterilization or castration, and pets with a tendency to overweight. Are you looking for toys for dogs and cats? Husse toys are made of the highest quality materials, they are durable and will provide your pet with hours of entertainment. You can diversify the healthy and natural diet of your dog, cat or horse with tasty delicacies. Treats for dogs, cats and horses are a tasty addition to their diet and a great reward during training and training. Do you need grooming products for your pet? Get shampoos, care cosmetics, oils and lotions with which you will take care of the beautiful and healthy appearance of your dog, cat or horse.